Tuesday 2 June 2015

6 Week Summer Body Plan: Week 1

So I knew this was going to be hard, but I didn't quite anticipate how pathetic my will-power really is...

My first week didn't go tremendously well (that's a bit of an understatement, as it didn't go well at all). I've had a hectic week at work so although I've been prepping my meals and taking loads of healthy things in, I haven't always had time to eat them.

Where I have been eating proper meals I've been doing really well, but it's the "in between" bits that I've struggled with the most. I'm definitely a grazer, meaning I like to eat little and often. A lot of the time this means I'll swap having a main meal for having a "snack", which is sometimes good and sometimes bad... This week I have indulged in quite a few naughty snacks (peanut M&Ms being my vice it seems), and I definitely got some chips on Friday night *oops* but I guess that's what it's all about really - making small changes that I can maintain.

As the week has gone on I've found that I've gradually got better and better, as if I'm almost weaning myself off of the naughty food and sugar! I think over the next week I'll try to improve this a little more and see if it gets a bit easier, which I'm sure it will!

Just to give you an idea of the kinds of things I've been scoffing, here's a run down of my food on Sunday (well Sunday night into Monday morning, as I do shift work):

Oats So Simple porridge (Sweet Cinnamon flavour)

Handful of strawberries and two apricots chopped with one tablespoon of Total 0% fat Greek yoghurt
One pack of Special K Biscuit Moments (Blueberry flavou

Feta cheese and avocado salad (mixed leaves, orange pepper, cherry tomatoes and cucumber) with Balsamic glaze dressing
One wholemeal pitta

Quarter cucumber chopped into sticks
Quarter tub of Tesco Reduced Fat Houmous (Caramelised Onion flavour)

Tesco Finest Tomato & Mascarpone Soup
Small bag of M&S crisps
Handful of red grapes

I've also been sticking to just drinking water throughout the day, with a couple of cups of decaf tea thrown in for good measure. This week I also upped my water intake to about 2l a day, which is what I should be doing anyway - my aim for next week is 2.5l, and the week after is 3l.

Obviously the above is just the basics and there have been extras added in - the odd biscuit here or sweet here and there, and possibly a diet coke somewhere too, but on the whole Il'm trying to be really good while I'm at work so that I can be a bit more relaxed on my days off (particularly the weekends!)

Alongside all of this I've been trying to walk a lot more as well - I live quite centrally to work, town, the supermarket, etc. so it is possible for me to walk everywhere, and as the weather improves I'm sure I'll want to walk to places more frequently.

On the whole I'd say I've had an okay first week, although I do need to crank up the exercise a bit if I want to be leaner and more toned. Do any of you have any tips and tricks on how you stick to a healthy diet? Or even any advice on losing a little bit of weight - I know that different things work for different people, but it's always great to share ideas around!

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